Die casting industry in the United States will grow in 2017. It has just grew in 2016, but the automobile production includes aluminium in almost all areas of the newest cars. The new policies will also mean that the manufacturing will be placed even more in the United States. The NADCA reveals all these facts in its annual report.
The new fuel efficiency standars will mean to place emphasis on light weighting fleet in the automotive industrie. If the companies want to get these standars, they will have to increase even more their aluminium consume on many more model vehicles. The official fleet vehicle average test results are moving away from the real world improvements and this could cause even further regulations.
Material production methods have a high impact on the emissions from the production and use. With regard to material emissions due to their manufacturing process, aluminium highlights. Recycled aluminum in optimized vehicle structures dominates compared to other materials, even recycled steel. Maybe the most environmentally friendly production of magnesium can begin to be as effective as the most high carbon forms of primary aluminium production, but the production and use of secundary aluminium involves a smaller carbon footprint tan even the best Steel. HPDC is the ideal process for using secondary aluminium and, therefore, the choice for the automotive components designers.
Using aluminium die casting for manufacturing thin walls reduce the weight of the components if you compare it with other casting methods.
The NADCA also reveals that there is also an opportunity in the flat rolled market and permanent mold market.