Our engineering team will help you to choose the most appropriate alloy according to the technical requirements of your product. Furthermore they will inform you about the advantages and drawbacks of each of the alloys in the market.

We have vast experience working with Al-Si alloys
The alloys with which we currently work the most are those detailed below:
[AlSi9Cu3(Fe)] This is a highly versatile alloy used by designers for a wide range of industrial parts meeting waterproof quality standards. Good mechanical resistance at high temperatures and easy machining. Suitable for successive heat treatments.
Density = 2,70g/cm3
Injection moulded part hardness = 80-120HB
Tensile Strenght = 240-310 N/mm2
Tensile Strength = 13-17 Ms/m

EN AC-47.100 [AlSi12Cu1(Fe)] This alloy allows for a wide range of industrial applications on complex geometries and thin walls thanks to its excellent castability.
Lower mechanical resistance and stiffness than the AC-46.000, though good machining. Not suitable for successive heat treatments.
Density = 2,65g/cm3
Injection moulded part hardness = 75-95HB
Tensile Strength = 225-265 N/mm2
Electrical conductivity = 15-20 MS/m

EN AC-44.300 [AlSi12(Fe)] This alloy has good corrosion resistance. Lower stiffness and worse performance in machining. Poor response to successive heat treatments due to lacking Mg.
Density = 2,68g/cm3
Injection moulded part hardness = 60-100HB
Tensile Strength = 220-280 N/mm2
Electrical conductivity = 16-22 MS/m

SILAFONT 36 [AlSi10MnMg] – In trials
Alloy with excellent castability, ideal for complex geometry parts and thin walls. Depending on the Mg content it can yield castings with optimal mechanical properties and elongation with or without post heat treatment. Very good resistance to corrosion, weldable and easily machinable. Suited for joining through plastic deformation such as clinching or riveting.
Density = 2.64 g/cm3
Hardness = 90-110 HB
Tensile Strength = 250-290 N/mm2
Conductivity = 21-26 MS/m

CASTASIL 37 [AlSi9MnMoZr] – In trials
Very good behaviour for manufacturing complex geometry parts and/or parts with thin walls through HPDC. It can yield castings with excellent elongation values (>10%). Very high stability thanks to its low content of Mg. Very good resistance to corrosion and excellent fatigue resistance. Weldable and easilty machinable. Suited for joining through plastic deformation such as clinching or riveting.
Density = 2,69 g/cm3
Hardness = 60-75 HB
Tensile Strength = 260-300 N/mm2
Conductivity = 18-22 MS/m