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Being able to contribute to the social wellbeing is very important for us. For this reason the social impact of our activities is one of the key factors for us when it comes to making decisions.

Disability Employment Centre

Having collaborated during more than 30 years with various Disability Employment Centres (DEC), in 2007 we made the decision to go one step further and create our own centre which nowadays is a reality.

DEC’s operate in the same way as conventional companies and offer the possibility to disabled people to perform work and be remunerated for their efforts. The main goal of these centres is to contribute to the integration of disabled people in the society and the conventional labour market.

The processes in our DEC are carried out by disabled workers who are fully integrated within our staff and are capable of performing their tasks according to the quality requirements of our customers. The special conditions of our DEC allows as to be able to offer more competitive services and value-adding processes while maintaining the quality standards of a conventional company.

In 2007, we made a decision to go one step further creating our own Disability Employment Centre.

We participate in professional development projects

Dual professional development is a new professional development concept in which the learners are given the opportunity to enrich their knowledge and capabilities by sharing time between the training centre and a company. Grupo Geispen not only takes part in this innovative professional development system but also through projects in collaboration with the intitutes Moli del Sol, Blasco Ibañez and Artesanos and through European mobility projects about professional training with Esmovia, supports and actively encourages the development of a professional training culture more adapted to the current socio-economic reality of the labour market.

The activities of Grupo Geispen within the area of professional development include among others:

  • Giving support to the Training module in Work Centres
  • Encouragement of the mobility by offering the possibility to learners of simultaneously studying and working in our group, on both national and European level.
  • Offering dual professional development projects locally
  • Innovation and business management projects coordination with institutes and public or private universities.